Anna’s Awakening – First Full Body Orgasms (video)

Anna shares her thoughts after experiencing her first full body orgasms with White Tiger Tantra.

I’m feeling great.

Dan: Okay, so what just happened?

I squirted all over the place I think. Its… I feel very light and really a bit high as well. From my own body chemicals which is awesome. Yeah. I feel just very, very happy at the moment. Just like… yeah.

My orgasms prior to White Tiger Tantra were localized and very short as well. The effect was very short of it. Where as now I’m not sure how many minutes has passed but I can still feel it in my whole body and… I can’t even focus my thoughts really so I’m not really sure about where I’m going with what I’m saying.

This is just so much different. Its like the whole body exploding. It’s not localized in any way. Its just all over the place. Like literally as well apparently.

I would definitely recommend this to other ladies. Every single one of them on the planet approximately.

If you would like to experience orgasms or help your partner achieve orgasms like the orgasms Anna describes, the first step is to begin practicing White Tiger Tantra.

Learn more at: Sensual Awakening

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