Relieve Stress With Yoni Massage & Full-Body Orgasms

yoni massage

The notion of yoni massage and orgasms to resolve the many unhealthy side effects of stress related illness isn’t a new concept.

The mental and physical health benefits of sacred sensuality— the mind-body-yoni massage-orgasm-spiritual connection— go way back to before the Kama Sutra was written in ancient India.

In more recent history, Dr. Wilhelm Reich moved to New York in 1939. He practiced sexual healing with patients using his Orgone energy therapy.

His version of what we might now call a form of sacred sensuality.

Let’s go into a little history lesson.

The late Dr. Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1897-1957), was a protégé of Sigmund Freud. He believed women who couldn’t release the total emotional, physical and spiritual experience of ego-free full-body orgasms and cycle Orgone energy became neurotic.

yoni massage

This according to Reich could also lead to chronic emotional distress that trapped emotions in the body’s tissue or what he called armoring. “The issues get trapped in the tissues.”

Orgone energy is Dr. Reich’s concept that combines the cycling universal life force energy (Chi) with the energy of ‘ego-free’ mind, body and spiritual orgasms.

He developed Orgone energy therapy to free the trapped emotions and reduce the impact and symptoms of illnesses like; anxiety, depression and other stress related issues.

Reich believed most modern illnesses came from the stress of everyday life and sexual suppression.

He coined the phrase “the sexual revolution.”yoni massage

With his Orgone energy therapy Reich’s patients obtained some very promising and measurable results. However, his message of sexual liberation and sexual healing disturbed his colleagues, the power structure and the politicians of New York in 1939. Reich was sentenced to prison and died there of heart failure.

Modern Medical Discovery

We’ve known for years that women who receive yoni massages and yoni orgasms, at least once a week, are considerably less stressed and overall much happier.

However, there is current medical research that may indicate that while enjoying themselves, these women may have also inadvertently strengthened an unconscious mind-body health connection.

Actually it’s more of a mind-body-sensory connection that uses a neural network called the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve wanders from the brain and connects to every organ of the body with a highly sensitive sensory input-output neural network.

yoni massage

This neural network receives sensory input from the organs and responds with releasing neural chemicals.

For instance, when you’re in danger or become stressed your mind instantly releases vital neurochemicals into your body like adrenaline and cortisol to protect you. The vagus nerve is responsible for this action.

The vagus nerve then calms the tension in your body by the release of other neurochemicals like endorphins and oxytocin to counter the effects of the stress.

How quick you can rebound from any stressful situations is called your vagal tone.

A significant rise in vagal tone, which increases with positive emotions, is also thought to increase the vagal tone.

This can enhance social closeness while maintaining and promoting good health. Certainly, yoni massage can result in pleasant orgasms.

Yet, an additional side benefit is that at the unconscious level, regular yoni massages could help women return to a more balanced state of being by strengthening their vagal tone.

yoni massage

Yoni Massage Before and After Video

Started with “I thought I was being cheated by the little orgasms I was cursed with. Now I can release full-body, toe-curling, orgasms…that leave me speechless.”

Click here to watch this video on YouTube>>

The Nerve Hunter

The mind-body-organ connection discovered recently through the research of Dr. Kevin Tracy, a New York neurosurgeon, who studies the interaction of the vagus nerve and it’s potential healing relationship to the body.

Click here to read a great article, “Hacking The Nervous System” about his work.

What Wires Together Fires Together…

What Wires Apart Fires Apart!!

A great quote from the book The Biology of Desire: Why Addiction Is Not a Disease by Marc Lewis PHD is “What wires together fires together. What wires apart fires apart.” Our bodies and minds are neurological learning machines that we can train.

What you practice you get good at.

If you practice thinking negative thoughts you become stressed.

The longer you’re stressed the more tension builds up in your body. Conversely, if you practice thinking positive thoughts or doing positive things your body will practice being calm.

Obviously, there are many pleasure benefits with yoni massage.

Yet when you practice them regularly they also condition you to release a full-body pleasure cocktail of neurochemicals like endorphins, dopamine, oxytocin, etc.

yoni massage

Some benefits of releasing this cocktail are, dopamine and oxytocin can help create deep bonding with your partner. When you release oxytocin the cuddle chemical it can help resolve anxiety and depression by lowering cortisol.

With regular practice of yoni massage and orgasms you increase your respiratory rate, increase the flow of blood to your organs, that can help dissipate headaches and help give you a glow that has you look and feel years younger.

Can’t always take the time for a yoni massage and orgasm. No problem there are studies that indicate when you immerse yourself and pleasant thoughts and memories you can also release a neurochemical pleasure cocktail.

Here is a step-by-step exercise for you to do at home:

  • Find a safe and comfortable place where you won’t be disturbed and shut off your phone or any other potential distractions.
  • Take some time for yourself.
  • Then just close your eyes and practice thinking back to a very pleasant thought or memory. Perhaps you can recall a very enjoyable sensual experience.
  • Totally immerse yourself in that memory.
  • See what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel what you felt. And if there were any pleasant scents associated with the situation… slowly them breathe in and totally recall them again. As you exhale, notice how tension leaves your body.

These kinds of activities can help you train your body and mind to use your parasympathetic nervous system to unconsciously and spontaneously release neurochemicals to help you feel great.

The more you wire together and fire together good feelings… the better you’ll feel.

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  1. Vally’s avatar

    an amazing aticle, based in scientific research of past and recent, involving the heart, the soul, the spirit, Steve is unique, and it is obvious from all his work, that he cares not to show, ( demnstartes) or, take, but to give, offer, wht is miisng from us…. thank you Steve!


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