Attention All Couples, Women, And Men Who Really Care,
Discover How To Create Profound Intimate Connections...

Forbidden Tantric Sex Secrets Lost To Time Will Help You Build Strong Passionate Connections With The Women You Are With!

“Recently Discovered Sacred Sex Techniques Will Reveal To You How To Generate Overwhelming Sexual Pleasure And Release The Floodgates Of Ecstasy And Sensual Healing In Your Lovers, In A Way That Is Guaranteed To Super-Charge Your Lovelife!”

~Steve P.


The producers of this material strongly urge any person who intends to engage in any form of vigorous sexual activity, to first CONSULT A MEDICAL DOCTOR, to determine if it is physically safe for them to participate in sexual activities known to release multiple, extended and extremely intense orgasms.


IMPORTANT: If You Are A Man, Be Aware...

1. These Methods Will Work Regardless Of Your Previous Experience, Build Or Overall Physical Attractiveness.

2. Penis Size Is A Total NON-ISSUE When You Know These Powerful Techniques.

3. Once You Unleash The Power Of These Sexual Secrets, You Can Harness Profound Self-Confidence In The Bedroom.

IMPORTANT: If You Are A Woman, Be Aware...

1. If You Haven’t… Yet, Been Able To Experience Powerful Sexual Pleasure, These Methods Will Release That Feminine Potential Within You.

2. These Secret Techniques Will Teach You More About Your Body (And Soul) Than You Ever Knew Was Possible.

3. If You Are A Woman Suffering From Sexual Repression, Anxiety And The Inability To Awaken And Release Powerful Orgasms… These Amazing Methods Are Available NOW, To Help You Live A Fuller And More Fulfilled Life!


Let me tell you a story...

(Pay careful attention, because this story that was sealed in the Chambers of Time, until it was passed down through the oral tradition in the White Tiger Clan, could be the most important, life-changing tale you have ever read!)

It is said that back in the 8th century B.C., a mysterious author by the name of Nandikeshvara was said to have written 1000 chapters of a text known as the Kamashastra.

In Indian literature, Kamashastra refers to the tradition of works on the erotic arts. Just as kings and rulers compiled text on politics and government, the Kamashastra aimed at instructing the peasants and townspeople in the sacred arts of sensual healing that also opened the path to attainment of extreme sexual pleasure and fulfillment.

But unfortunately, the legendary works of Nandikeshvara’s Kamashastra were lost to history...

Until the 4th Century A.D.

At that time, it is said that a man by the name of Vatsyayana was compiling a work on the sexual arts that would come to be known as the "Kama Sutra," the ancient Indian art of lovemaking.

In his quest to collect the most comprehensive knowledge of carnal affairs, he was introduced to a Tantric Shaman who provided him with the lost Kamashastra text he had buried deep within the palace's catacombs.

It was here that he claimed to have discovered the only known remaining chapters of Nandikeshvara's original Kamashastra manuscript.

But these chapters never made it into the Kama Sutra.


These Sacred Sexual Healing Techniques Were So Powerful, Vatsyayana’s Teacher (Who Was A Very Powerful Reclusive Tantric Shaman) Told Him He Was FORBIDDEN To Teach Them To Anyone Other Than Those Who Where Chosen To Become The Sacred Healers Of The White Tiger Clan!

However, Vatsyayana’s manuscript was soon stolen and later presented to the King. When the King read the copy of Vatsyayana’s work, presented in the Kama Sutra, the King was so taken aback by the information contained in the Lost Chapters of the Kamashastra, that he ordered them to be removed immediately.

The Jealous King Wanted To Horde This Information All To Himself And Have It Only Passed Down Through The Inner Circle And Bloodlines Of Royalty!

It was deemed inappropriate that a common man should harbor such powerful sexual techniques. From that point on, only royalty was permitted access to the Sacred Secrets of Sensual Healing that were being suppressed in this…now, forbidden knowledge.

However, the King was unaware that there was a Secret Society known as the Sacred Healers of the White Tiger Clan who had already been introduced to this knowledge. The members of this Secret Society had all taken a vow of secrecy to, preserve and protect this knowledge for their initiates to use when healing the people who were of common bloodlines. The Master Shamans of this Clan decided it was safest to harbor and shield this information by having it ONLY passed down to Initiates through oral tradition.

The Kings of India used these hidden sex tips to create massive harems of women, all of which were loyal to their kings due to their powerful lovemaking skills.

Not even the women of the Harem were permitted to share these forbidden secrets, or there benefits, with outsiders under the penalty of death!

This information was passed down from one King (and the closest members of his inner circle) to the next. The information was considered so valuable, it was guarded among the palace treasures, and only the King himself was allowed to look upon it!

One day a rumor surfaced that was passed onto one of the King’s closest advisors. The story that was being told was that... In the village of Eros, (that was three days away by horseback) there lived a hermetic group of healers called the Clan of The White Tiger, who were healing common people (even in remote areas through distant healing.) They were using the forbidden knowledge and Sacred Sexual Healing Arts that were reserved for the tight inner circle of royal blood.

The advisor immediately informed the King that the Sacred Secrets had been compromised and the information was rapidly being spread amongst the common people.

The infuriated King and his inner circle decided on a path of direct action with extreme prejudice. They immediately seized the guards who had been protecting the royal chamber where the secrets had been guarded. After executing the guards the King decreed an order of death for any members of the Hermetic Order of The White Tiger Clan and anyone else who possessed or was caught using the forbidden knowledge.

Information of the impending doom was secretly passed onto the Sacred Healers of the White Tiger Clan. They immediately decided to go underground to preserve the Sacred Secrets and Tantric Knowledge for future generations who would need this information, in a time, sometime out in the future… that would be known as –The Great Awakening...

So the White Tiger Clan headed up into the Himalayas where they seemed to just vanish into the thin air... So to speak… After days of scouring the mountain countryside searching desperately in vain, for the outlawed Healers, the King's men reluctantly concluded they had lost the trail and all hope of bringing the condemned Sacred Healers back to the King's Court.

It was rumored that the White Tiger Clan traveled in separate bands and later regrouped in Tibet. In Tibet, they decide it would be safest to disband into 7 different groups and scatter like seeds in the wind.

Each of the groups of The Clan were to retain and protect their separate keys of the Sacred Healing Secrets until a time in the future known as… “The Great Awakening.” Sealing this knowledge in the Chambers of Time… to resurface through the oral tradition, in the future for those who have been chosen to become Sacred Healers of The White Tiger Clan.

And it stayed that way for many thousands of years...

Until now.

Here’s How A 50-Year Old Ex-Biker Unraveled These Forbidden Secrets To Become A World Class Healer And
Sex Coach!

Here’s the simple facts…

Steve P. is a student of human nature!

Since 1978, he has worked with and helped thousands of people overcome issues that had them stuck in unhealthy patterns, behaviors and relationships.

Steve P. uses a wide variety of powerful healing techniques that include: White Tiger Tantra, Soul Gazing, Shamanistic Modalities, Hypnosis, NLP, Chakra Work, Metaphysical Counseling, Energy Work, and much more.

He has coached people from all walks of life, including celebrities and high profile CEOs.

Steve P. has helped many of them resolve personal challenges that have ranged from mitigating anxiety, to developing and becoming a more powerful boardroom presence. Steve P. has mastered the art of helping people recognize and remove barriers, so they can reach their full potential.

In many communities, Steve P. is known as a Shamanic Hypnotist, Healer and Sex Coach.

“It is an understatement to say that Steve P. is a radical therapist. I am awed by the life-changing results he obtains with his unique techniques.”

-Dick Sutphen
Bestselling New Age author

Steve P. is featured in the recent New York Times bestseller “The Game” by Neil Strauss, and he has developed some life-changing techniques that have helped people with a wide range of issues like: Building Powerful Self-Confidence, Improving Inner Game, Resolving Approach Anxiety and building other skills for successful interpersonal relationships

“Steve P. is among the most powerful hypnotists in the world....He and his hypnosis partner gave me my much-coveted Inner Game and more. This was a whole new level of game....He was giving me super powers."

-Neil Strauss (AKA Style)
Bestselling New York Times author, “The Game”

Here's what some of the Dating Gurus have to say about Steve P. and his abilities:

"Steve P. is one of the greatest inspirations in my own quest. The knowledge he shares in White Tiger Tantra has benefited many. It is one of the most powerful pieces, of personal change work, he has designed to help Create Strong Intimate Connections With Women and Build Powerful Self-Confidence in their Lovers."

-Eric Von Sydow
(AKA Hypnotica / Rasputin, In “The Game”)
Author of “The Sphinx of Imagination”


"Steve P. presents, teaches, and instills the most important inner foundation to achieve success: Confidence Built on Empowering Beliefs. Spending a few hours with Steve P. can completely transform what you thought was possible… into creating new realities, that can benefit you far into the future… Beyond the change… forever."

-Cameron Teone
(AKA The One)

This Isn't About Bragging!!!

This Is About YOU… Making The Changes That Can Awaken Your Sexual Skills,
Building Stronger Relationships, And...
Increasing Your Love!

From: Steve P.

In all my years of helping men and women, I have always stressed the important roll sexual competence plays in all aspects of living a fully empowered life.

Like I always say:

“Nothing Builds Self Confidence… Like Being Sexually Competent.”

In my travels and research on this journey of being a healer and helping others work through their challenges, I have been blessed to study with some of the greatest master healers who have ever lived.

After many years of teaching… A strange thing happened...

I was presenting at one of my energy workshops, how to connect with others on a deep level using Chakra Cleansing and Soul Gazing... When I was approached by a group of the participants, who asked me where I had learned the techniques I had been sharing.

I later learned they were all Sacred Healers from a hermetic group called the Clan Of The White Tiger. They where Tantric Shamans, who were introduced to the techniques I was teaching as a right of passage from Initiate to the Inner Circle of Master Shaman.

I told them that for years I had seen Shamanic Healers in my dreams who where able to use their sexual energy to heal people. When they heard this they stopped… looked at each other and said… “The Great Awakening has begun!”

Since that time I have used White Tiger Tantra Techniques to help many women Awaken to their true Sensuality that had been dormant within them… Just waiting to be released.

Due to the fact that the Sacred Healers of The White Tiger Clan wish to live a life of quiet, peaceful bliss I will not mention their names or location of their temple.

But for the purpose of this letter I will refer to them as the Teachers.

"The Teachers" Will Reveal
The Sacred Secrets
That Can Quickly Release
Sexual Nirvana In Any Woman!

In many of the ancient traditions of our ancestors, these healers held the keys to opening the gateways that led to a profound union with others. It was a union with a much greater healing experience than that of mere physical gratification.

These shamans would use teaching stories to relax, open and then… stimulate the minds of those who wanted to learn.

Then they would share the Secrets of a Sacred Sensual Enhancement Massage, which would banish tension from the body, releasing a flood of ecstasy that was said to relieve stress for days.

When I first met The Teachers, I did not know they had possessed such powerful knowledge about how to Awaken and Release the Powerful Sexual Dragon that lay hidden in so many women…

NOW…the Sacred Secrets of the White Tiger Clan are available for those who desire!

The Unknown Sixty-Fifth Art Of Sexual Pleasure Is Finally Revealed!

The Sixty-Four Arts of love-passion-pleasure make up the combined knowledge of the Kama Sutra and all Indian sexual arts.

But there is a lost, Sixty-Fifth art of love-passion-pleasure that was hidden from the masses.

This art is known as “The White Tiger Tantra.”

According to Indian Mythology, the White Tiger was regarded as the incarnation of a Hindu god that possessed the absolute power, strength and subtleties of both Shakti and Shiva in one body.

It was said that by practicing the art of the “White Tiger Tantra” daily… a couple could trigger a chain reaction so powerful, that it could Awaken and Release Orgasmic Ecstasy that could be sustained for hours or even days.

Perhaps this is why the Sacred Secrets of The White Tiger Clan had been so closely guarded until the Great Awakening. And here is how this came down...

One day The Teachers, having left their isolated temple to journey through the modern world, saw the eminent signs that lead to their call to action. Acts of mundane unrequited love were rampant and being fueled by sexual incompetence. Resulting in a world of unmitigated stress and frustrations that could easily be resolved by the Sacred Secrets of the White Tiger Clan.

Now was the time, if any, to heal the Wounded Hearts of the Mundane World by sharing the Treasured Secrets of how to release and sustain extended levels of orgasmic ecstasy.

The Tantric Shamans… Then Decided…
To Reveal The Keys That Would Release
The Floodgates Of Unbridled Passion.

When the system of White Tiger Tantra is used to Awaken and Release Powerful Female Orgasms, it will Awaken the self-confident sexual artist within you.

In other words: The Sensual Arts Are Broken Down To A User Friendly Science!

What’s the difference?

Art takes skill and natural talent. Science means that ANYONE with the correct knowledge and who is dedicated to practice… can get the same results!

What Does This Mean For You?

It means you... NOW... have the power to build the strong passionate connections with women that were once reserved only for the Royal Bloodlines and their Inner Circles.

Take a moment and just ask yourself…

Are You Ready… to own the Unlimited Power of a Sexual Shaman who can Awaken and Release Powerful Female Orgasms…and...

Become The Sexual Rock Star Of
Your Lovers Secret Diary

"Steve P. is a powerful workshop trainer and a Master of Getting Shit Done when he is teaching his clients how to create positive personal changes. His presentations (at my Cliff’s List Convention) are very well received because they are Clear, Concise and Easy To Use for anyone in the audience. Also, I have personally witnessed how he has used his White Tiger Tantra to help enhance and positively change the lives of many women. It is one of the most profound pieces of work he has created yet… and NOW… you can learn it from him."

(AKA Cliff)
Producer: Cliff’s List Convention

Here’s what White Tiger Tantra
will reveal to you...

  • Discover how to stimulate the sacred spots that can relieve a woman’s sexual tension.
  • How to move beyond sexual (which only encompasses the body) to sensual (which encompasses the mind, body, and soul)!
  • How to calibrate a woman’s hip and muscle movement to know exactly what you have to do to please her in bed.
  • How to develop your sensory acuity and tell if she’s ready to have an orgasm... Again!
  • How to release a woman’s built up sexual tension!
  • Unlock the secrets of the “Sensual Enhancement Massage” that will have any woman release new levels of ecstasy and passion.
  • Gain step-by-step massage instruction in a visual, easy-to-learn way that can give any man “magic hands.”
  • Learn the “More Hands” technique that allows you to go even deeper into sexual massage.
  • Uncover the “Secret” hands-on technique that all women love (that will have them bragging to their girlfriends about you!)
  • Discover how to instantly increase sexual energy in a woman’s body!
  • Learn how to stimulate the “Sensual Points” of a woman’s body that will drive her crazy!
  • Learn the one thing you should do before having sex that will enhance your partner’s (and your own) enjoyment by 90%.
  • For the first time ever: The forbidden “Mound Of Venus Massage” secret that will unleash the floodgates of her unparalleled sexual pleasure.
  • Explore the secret Taoist pressure points near a woman’s breasts that will send shivers of ecstasy trembling though her entire body.
  • Discover the hidden points that release a pleasant surge of energy across the front of a woman’s genitals.
  • Use the “Giving Chi” technique that will light up a woman and fill her with sexual warmth and arousal every time (and anyone can do it!).
  • How to increase a woman’s hips and pelvic movement so she feels like she’s walking on air.
  • Discover the 5 secret primary points of pleasure that release powerful sensations throughout a woman’s body.
  • How to dramatically increase passionate connections with your lover.
  • See a woman who thought she could never have an orgasm come alive with White Tiger Tantra!
  • Watch how one of our models has learned to release such powerful, extended orgasms… that her body continues to shake and quiver uncontrollably!
  • And Much More...

Never before has the power of White Tiger Tantra been revealed to the public. But one thing is for sure…

This Knowledge Will Help You
Experience Sex More Powerfully
Than You Ever Have Before!

Here are some unfortunate, things are researchers discovered …

9 out of 10 men simply do not know how to please a woman!

67% of women never get to experience an orgasm during sex!

90% of women will never have more than 1 orgasm during a lovemaking session!

Due to psychological or emotional issues, most women simply think they CAN’T release orgasm - ever!

So let me tell you this flat out…

When You Learn To Unleash Your Partner's Sexual Energy In This Natural And Healthy Way, You Will Experience Unbridled Sexual Passion That Will Put Romance Novels To Shame!

I’ve worked with many women - who prior to their introduction to White Tiger Tantra, thought they'd never even have a simple orgasm, much less an experience that surpassed their wildest sexual fantasies.

They had almost given up all hope of ever being able to find or achieve (the elusive) multiple extended orgasm that could have them weak in their knees and smiling for days!

But let me make something clear…

Whatever Skills You Thought You Had
Every World Class Champion Trains With The Latest In Technology
To Eliminate The Competition.
(Even In The Off Season.)

Right now, I’m sure you can get by, but I want you to know something.

MEN: This information will soon be released to the general public…

At that time will you be fully prepared with the skills to Awaken and Release Powerful Female Orgasms that can leave your woman quivering like the one in the White Tiger Tantra DVDs?

Are you going to know that she is satisfied… or… will that be another unfortunate statistic? Think about it… unhappy lovers STRAY.... can you blame her?

A Happy Wife Means A
Happy Life!

Are You Ready To Be A World Class Champion?

WOMEN: Do your fires of passion need to be rekindled?

Have the pages of your sexual diary been neglected because you are just too damn busy?

Have you and your lover traded sharing quality time… for just doing time? Face it… If you have… you’ve gone from Soul Mates to Cell Mates. And if you and your lover don’t do something… Now… to Re-Awaken your dormant passion…

Romantic Fantasies
Will Replace The Future Memories
In Your Sexual Diary!

With the floodgates of passion closed… the life force of love cannot be sustained.

If You Haven’t …Yet… Been Able To Experience The Powerful Sexual Pleasure That Will Have You Weak In The Knees, Curling Your Toes & Shaking With Ecstasy For Hours (Or Even Days)… Well, The Proven Methods Of White Tiger Tantra Can Help You Experience This Reality.

You simply CANNOT afford to neglect your opportunity to investigate the Sexual Secrets of White Tiger Tantra.

How Much Is It Worth
To Learn How To Build Powerful
Passionate Connections?

People are sexual creatures. We all need sex to feel passionately connected. Yet so many people settle for so much less… just because it is convenient or familiar.

For centuries, people have wanted to enhance the quality of the sensuality they experienced and shared with others. Some would travel deep into remote areas of distant lands to find a teacher willing to share the Sacred Mysteries of Spiritual Sensuality.

Those who taught these techniques were often called Tantric Shamans. They held the keys to Opening the Gateways of Passion that could lead to a profound union with others that was a much greater healing experience than that of mere physical gratification.

These Shamans could release a flood of ecstasy that was said to relieve stress for days.

In modern times, many people find it difficult to make that journey, to hike the Himalayas, to live in a cave, to Awaken and Release their full sensuality…

However for those who still desire…

We bring forward the wisdom and the Ancient Tantric Secrets from the Clan of the White Tiger.

Famous celebrities and other very wealthy people hire Steve P. for private sessions and coaching and pay him thousands of dollars a day.

Steve P. has decided to provide the Secrets of White Tiger Tantra, for a limited time, for less than what he would charge for a one-hour consultation.

Plus you will have these DVDs to practice with whenever needed. It’s like having a private workshop with Steve P. and his models anytime you want.

The Sacred Secrets of White Tiger Tantra are now available for the very affordable price of… $399! $297!

Special Price Break!

The normal cost for these DVDs is $399. But as a special price for this exciting DVD course, Steve P. is knocking over $100 off the regular purchase price!

That means these forbidden secrets can be all yours for just $297!

But this special price breaks will end at Midnight, . So act fast, or you may have to pay full price!

When you break the price of this product down over the first year, the cost is less than $.87 a day, for having this much Sexual Power at your fingertips!

This is an investment in your future,
Building Your Personal Power, Self-Confidence & Intimate Connections
with your lovers for many years to come...

The Secret Of The Ages Is Yours 100% Risk Free...

In fact, I'm so confident you will get exactly what you want, that I'm willing to extend a 100% money-back guarantee!

If the product doesn't meet your expectations, all you need to do is send it back within 30 days and get a complete refund!

No fuss, no muss. The burden is on me to deliver.

When You’re Truly Serious About Experiencing The Kind Of Sexual Bliss With Women… You've Always Dreamed Of… The Time To Act Is…
Right… NOW!”

When you get your very own personal copy of White Tiger Tantra, you will receive an actual 5-DVD Package in the mail!

This is something you and your lover can fully experience and interact with… Being coached, step-by-step, through the process of Releasing Powerful Female Orgasms… In the privacy of your own home.

What You Will Get…

You’ll get, high quality video where I demonstrate the power of White Tiger Tantra on REAL WOMEN.

No actors. No special effects. These are real women who get real results! Also included are my world re-known, in-depth instructions and commentary. The package includes:

**Contains Adult Material. Intended Solely For Adults 18 Years Of Age And Over (Or 21 In Certain Jurisdictions In Which 21 Is The Age Of Majority)**

1. White Tiger Tantra: The Awakening
2. Secrets Of Sensual Enhancement Massage
3. The Secrets Of Traditional Massage
4. The Awakening – Unbound And Uncensored
5. Sensual Enhancement In-Depth
6. Awakening And Releasing Powerful Female Downloadable Orgasms Illustrated eWorkbook

(Total Value: $399)
Yours For A Limited Time For: $297 + $15 s/h (in the U.S.)

(Your Package Will Be Shipped To You Discreetly In A Plain Shipping Box. Charges Will Be Processed Under The Name “Steve P. DeAmore & Associates, Inc.”)

Do not pass up this amazing opportunity! Get your copy of White Tiger Tantra right now!


The producers of this material strongly urge any person who intends to engage in any form of vigorous sexual activity, to first CONSULT A MEDICAL DOCTOR, to determine if it is physically safe for them to participate in sexual activities, known to release multiple, extended and extremely intense orgasms.

Let me be the first to offer my condolences to the way you used to be and… Welcome you to the exciting new sensual possibilities you are about to experience.

~Steve P.

P.S. Remember, you have until Midnight, to get your $100 discount! If you wait until tomorrow, you will miss out! Click Here right now to get your very own copy of this groundbreaking course today.

P.P.S. Don't forget that every order is covered by my 30 Day 100% money-back guarantee. If the product doesn't live up to your expectations, you can just send it back for a complete refund less s/h!

P.P.P.S. This is the only place you will find the Sexual Secrets of White Tiger Tantra revealed. They are one-of-a-kind, and will help you Build Powerful Self-Confidence. If you want to Make This Change NOW… AND INTO YOUR FUTURE. Click Here Now to get your very own copy shipped to you today.

If you have any questions about the White Tiger Tantra DVD Package, just email us at [email protected].

If you have any technical problems with our website or your order, just send an email to [email protected] and we'll get back to you with an answer.

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